Leafpad is not installing in Ubuntu 19.04! Check it how to install...

   Leafpad is a very useful GTK+ based text editor for Linux based operating system and Ubuntu. Leafpad was released under GNU GPLv2+ back in 2004. It was quiet easy to install leafpad for Ubuntu 18.10 or older. But now after the release of Ubuntu 19.04 it was not getting installed by previous command. Here in this article, we are going to discuss about the installation process below.

Leafpad can be installed in two ways ...graphically via Ubuntu Software or other one is via command line using Terminal. Both the ways discussed below.

Install Leafpad via Ubuntu Software - 

Step - 1 : Launch the Ubuntu Software from menu / app drawer.

Step - 2 : In the search bar of the Ubuntu Software type Leafpad, it will search and list the application.

Step - 3 : Click on the application and then click on Install button.

It will install and ready to use!

Install Leafpad via command line - 

Step - 1 : Launch the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T simultaneously.

Step - 2 : Login as superuser

sudo su

and enter system password

Step - 2 : Update the system

sudo apt-get update

Step - 3 : Upgrade the system

sudo apt-get upgrade

Step - 4 : Create build tools and dependencies.

sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall intltool libgtk2.0-dev

Step - 5 : Download the source, compile it and install it by the following  command.

Copy these all lines and paste it in terminal.

mkdir -v $HOME/leafpad_build && cd $HOME/leafpad_build && \
wget http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/leafpad/leafpad- && \
tar xvf leafpad- && cd leafpad- && \
./configure && make && \
sudo checkinstall -D --install=yes --fstrans=no --pakdir "$HOME/leafpad_build" \
     --pkgname leafpad --backup=no --deldoc=yes --deldesc=yes --delspec=yes \
     --default --pkgversion "" && \
make distclean && sudo ldconfig

It will ask for use disk space enter y and press enter.


 It will automatically install the leafpad text editor!

Information Courtesy -

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leafpad

2. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1142518/leafpad-not-available-for-newer-releases-of-ubuntu/1142519

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